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Creatine is without a doubt the most well-known and used performance-enhancing dietary supplement on the market. Creatine increases your explosive energy, helps you build muscle mass and increases your maximum strength.
What is creatine?
Creatine is a substance that is found naturally in our bodies whose function is to deliver energy to the body's cells, especially to our muscles. Creatine was identified in 1832 by a French researcher and in 1912, researchers at Harvard University found that creatine intake drastically increased creatine levels in muscles. Creatine as a dietary supplement (creatine monohydrate) was first introduced in 1993 after experimenting with several athletes, including gold winner Linford Christie during the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. Summing up all the research on creatine, it is without a doubt the most effective performance-enhancing (ergogenic) dietary supplement on the market when it comes to increasing capacity during short-term intensive training and increasing muscle mass.
What does creatine do and how does it work in the body?
The human body can itself produce creatine in the liver and kidneys through the amino acids l-arginine, glycine and l-methionine - but in limited quantities (about 1 g per day). Creatine is then transported to the muscles via the bloodstream where they are synthesized in the cells into creatine phosphate. The creatine phosphate is then transported to the myofibrils of the muscles where they can regenerate ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the energy that the muscles use in explosive and short-term (anaerobic) activities such as strength training, sprints, ice hockey, and more. The energy from this process can only be used for 10-15 seconds because the muscles only have a limited amount of ATP stored. This mechanism, in which creatine phosphate releases energy to support cell function, is what allows creatine to increase the body's strength and muscle growth while promoting almost all systems in the body, including the br