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How do I make a return or claim? Here you will find instructions on how to proceed: https://www.mmsports.se/byte-reklamation.html Why is my order not through with Klarna? Make sure that you have filled in correctly registered address (Klarna requires sending the package to his registered address) It may also depend on your credit rating, contact Klarna for more information. 08-120120 10 How do I pay my order with the card? To complete your purchase with direct payment / credit card, you must first complete the purchase invoice. Once done, click on the link; “You want to change the payment method, click here.” Finish then order the desired payment method. What does the different order statuses? Order Status: Not completed. This status remains in the email sent to you when the order is placed and we check your payment. Within 15 minutes updating the status and sending a new message. Order Status: Processing. This status remains in the email sent to you when the order is checked. Order Status: Printed. This status remains in the email sent to you when your order is processed. Your order is now expected to be picked and packed. Order Status: Erroneous orders. This status remains in the email sent to you when your order has not passed properly. It is usually due to a problem with the payment. In this case, you need to check the payment and add a new order. No products shipped before the new order went through. Order Status: Done and påväg. Now is your order delivered in the mail. Parcel number included in the email you use to track your package at www.posten.se
How do I know if I have deleted my smsavisering? If you deleted your smsavisering you can use the tracking number that we sent in the last email from us. “Camp, delivery route from MM Sports”. If you have not left this message, you can contact orders 031-160000 order@mmsports.se I do not get the right flavors on my products when I put the cart, why is that? This may be because your connection is slow and the page does not have time to recharge. Wait a few seconds before re-elects new flavor and quantity. Can I combine different flavors and still get a discount? Yes, it is perfectly possible. Choose a flavor and quantity and click on Buy. Then choose a new flavor and quantity and click on Buy. The quantity discount is updated in the cart. NOTE! Does not apply to supermarkets packets or unique promotional package that has been developed. Do you have the same prices in the shops as you have on the web? In most cases, the stores have the same prices as on the web. Exceptional cases may be unique Web campaigns or the product is only sold on the web.
How does price guarantee?
Price guarantee is valid for 7 days from date of purchase. This means that if you find the same product at a lower price in a physical store or online store in Sweden, we pay back all the difference. Learn more about our price guarantee here.
Why is not my gift card?
Make sure that you have filled in the voucher code in the voucher field available for payment. (If you accidentally enter the code in rabattkodsfältet an error message up to the code has been deleted.)
How do I do to not take part of your new email?
At the bottom of the news the email contains a link that you click on. “If you do not wish to receive our news message, click here”